\ufeffBig Picture: Create a dynamic webpage using the D3 \ufefflibrary. This webpage will have dynamic text, graphics, and data visualization elements. Objectives: • \ufeffLearn how to create dynamic webpages with D3 • \ufeffDevelop your programming skills • \ufeffReinforce your JS, \ufeffHTML, \ufeffand CSS skills Instructions and Specifications: 1. \ufeffReview the three D3 \ufeffdemo programs provided in class. You need to know what is in each file and how the programs work. 2. \ufeffStart your program with the HTML file (HW4.html) \ufeffprovided in the Assignment area in the class Canvas site. 3. \ufeffThe homework has three parts. Each part should be completed in the space provided in HW4. html. 4. \ufeffYou must include comments in the JS code area. 5. \ufeffInstructions for each section are as follows. • \ufeffPart1a: Add your name and color the text using a random color with rgb(). \ufeffSuggestion: choose a random number (between 0 – 255) \ufefffor the red, green, and blue components. • \ufeffPart1b: Add the text “Hello World” \ufeffin some color other than black at 30px. • \ufeffPart1c: Add a list of your classes that have been stored in a JS array called myClasses. These must be listed using